Zhou Fang, Didier Wautier, Andras Kemeny
motion cueing algorithm, MPC based MCA, driving simulation, washout
Over the past decade, MPC (Model Predictive Control) based MCA (Motion Cueing Algorithm) has been investigated to reproduce motion perception in a driving simulator as closely as possible to that in a real car. It has been proved better than other types of MCA, thanks to its model predictive capability and its optimisation strategy which can take into account the system’s constraints. However, the good performance of the MPC-MCA has often been obtained by using an offline optimization algorithm. In online driving simulation, the motion cueing result is generally compromised by the algorithm’s real time performance. In this paper, we have developed a new and fast MPC-MCA that consists of two steps: first, finding the QP solution by a computation without constraints, then checking the solution in an accessible limit, while the traditional MPC-MCA uses a more timeconsuming iterative numerical process. The developed MCA’s algorithm can provide a comparable performance to that of the conventional MPC-MCA with 5-10 times less computing time. Therefore, it makes on-line prediction possible for the lateral dynamic behaviour of the vehicle which can improve significantly the lateral motion cueing results. The developed MPC-MCA fully meets the requirement of the high-performance driving simulator as ROADS, the Renault’s new driving simulator in 2020.
Fang Z.; Wautier D. and Kemeny A. Development and applications of a fast MPC based motion cueing algorithm In: Proceedings of the Driving Simulation Conference 2019 Europe VR, Driving Simulation Association, Strasbourg, France, 2019, pp. 109-116
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title = {Development and applications of a fast MPC based motion cueing algorithm},
author = {Zhou Fang and Didier Wautier and Andras Kemeny},
editor = {Andras Kemeny and Florent Colombet and Frédéric Merienne and Stéphane Espié},
isbn = {978-2-85782-749-8},
year = {2019},
date = {2019-09-04},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Driving Simulation Conference 2019 Europe VR},
pages = {109-116},
address = {Strasbourg, France},
organization = {Driving Simulation Association},
abstract = {Over the past decade, MPC (Model Predictive Control) based MCA (Motion Cueing Algorithm) has been investigated to reproduce motion perception in a driving simulator as closely as possible to that in a real car. It has been proved better than other types of MCA, thanks to its model predictive capability and its optimisation strategy which can take into account the system’s constraints. However, the good performance of the MPC-MCA has often been obtained by using an offline optimization algorithm. In online driving simulation, the motion cueing result is generally compromised by the algorithm’s real time performance. In this paper, we have developed a new and fast MPC-MCA that consists of two steps: first, finding the QP solution by a computation without constraints, then checking the solution in an accessible limit, while the traditional MPC-MCA uses a more timeconsuming iterative numerical process. The developed MCA’s algorithm can provide a comparable performance to that of the conventional MPC-MCA with 5-10 times less computing time. Therefore, it makes on-line prediction possible for the lateral dynamic behaviour of the vehicle which can improve significantly the lateral motion cueing results. The developed MPC-MCA fully meets the requirement of the high-performance driving simulator as ROADS, the Renault’s new driving simulator in 2020.},
keywords = {driving simulation, motion cueing algorithm, MPC based MCA, washout},
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TI - Development and applications of a fast MPC based motion cueing algorithm
AU - Fang, Zhou
AU - Wautier, Didier
AU - Kemeny, Andras
C1 - Strasbourg, France
C3 - Proceedings of the Driving Simulation Conference 2019 Europe VR
DA - 2019/09/04
PY - 2019
SP - 109
EP - 116
LA - en-US
PB - Driving Simulation Association
SN - 978-2-85782-749-8
L2 -
ER -
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