Guidelines for Authors
1. Authors can submit paper proposals directly through the Driving Simulation Proceedings site with conference management system ConfTool. If submitted before April 15th, they will be reviewed with notification at the latest on June 1st and published in September, if accepted (final paper submitted by July 15th, taking into account reviewers remarks).
If submitted before October 15th, they will be reviewed with notification at the latest on December 1st and published in March, if accepted (final paper submitted by March 15th, taking into account reviewers remarks).
2. Authors can also follow the DSC Europe VR conference 2-stages reviewing procedure, starting with abstract submission, see: if both the abstract and the full paper are accepted, they may present their paper during the conference, according to the DSC Europe VR Scientific Committee reviewing.
Paper submission
Authors are invited to submit the full paper version by October 15th.
Please follow these steps to submit the paper:
- Login to our conference management system ( with the account previously created for abstract submission.
- Click on “Your Submissions”.
- Select the “Full Paper” type of contribution
- Please follow the last submission steps.
A 150€ fee is charged to the authors of accepted papers for edition cost. This edition cost is covering conference participation fee if authors are following the conference reviewing process.
Full Paper Templates
Please use the following template to format the full paper to upload.
Papers that don’t respect the format will not be accepted.
Driving Simulation Proceedings papers are published in March and September. Published papers can be also part of the DSC Europe conference program and be presented at the DSC conference if the authors follow the conference reviewing process, according to the Scientific Committee reviewing results.