Nadica Miljković, Jaka Sodnik
driving simulation, electrogastrography, electrophysiology, motion sickness, simulator sickness
Miljković N. and Sodnik J. Towards Objective Assessment of Driving Simulation Sickness: Pros and Cons of Stomach Electrical Activity In: , Driving Simulation Association, Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France, 2023, pp. 81-88
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title = {Towards Objective Assessment of Driving Simulation Sickness: Pros and Cons of Stomach Electrical Activity},
author = {Nadica Miljković and Jaka Sodnik},
editor = {Andras Kemeny and Jean-Rémy Chardonnet and Florent Colombet},
isbn = {978-2-9573777-3-2},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-09-08},
urldate = {2023-09-08},
journal = {Proceedings of the Driving Simulation Conference 2023 Europe VR},
pages = {81-88},
address = {Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France},
organization = {Driving Simulation Association},
abstract = {Electrogastrography (EGG) method is used to record electrical activity of the stomach smooth muscles non-invasively. The ability of EGG signal to directly, objectively, and simultaneously assess gastric rhythms and corresponding rhythm alterations makes EGG method attractive physiological measure for sickness assessment. Despite such prospective potential, EGG method is not widely adopted as a consequence of its vulnerability to external artifacts and noises, as well as due to the lack of standardization. This paper presents previous results of the EGG-based simulator sickness assessment and detection with the attentive overview of obtained experiences. The aim of the paper is to share EGG advantages and disadvantages related to the simulator sickness assessment and detection, as well as to propose future research directions. Specifically, we summarized pros, cons, and opportunities in a clear manner and discussed their possible implications. Besides a list of current pros and cons for protocol design, signal analysis workflow, repeatability, accuracy, comparison to other assessment methods, and general usability, we provide guidelines predominantly based on our experiences to overcome EGG sensitivity together with a list of future EGG-based research directions that could encourage and foster global EGG standardization. A special focus of the overview is given to the simulated automated driving environment.},
keywords = {},
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TI - Towards Objective Assessment of Driving Simulation Sickness: Pros and Cons of Stomach Electrical Activity
AU - Miljković, Nadica
AU - Sodnik, Jaka
C1 - Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France
C3 -
DA - 2023/09/08
PY - 2023
SP - 81
EP - 88
LA - en-US
PB - Driving Simulation Association
SN - 978-2-9573777-3-2
L2 -
ER -
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