Georg Stettinger, Johannes Rumetshofer, Patrick Weissensteiner, Simon Genser, Daniel Watzenig
automated driving, operational design domain, virtual validation, coverage
Weissensteiner P.; Genser S.; Stettinger G.; Rumetshofer J. and Watzenig D. Operational Design Domain Coverage for the Safety Validation of Automated Driving Systems In: Proceedings of the Driving Simulation Conference 2022 Europe VR, Driving Simulation Association, Strasbourg, France, 2022, pp. 49-56
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title = {Operational Design Domain Coverage for the Safety Validation of Automated Driving Systems},
author = {Patrick Weissensteiner and Simon Genser and Georg Stettinger and Johannes Rumetshofer and Daniel Watzenig},
editor = {Andras Kemeny and Jean-Rémy Chardonnet and Florent Colombet},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-09-15},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Driving Simulation Conference 2022 Europe VR},
pages = {49-56},
address = {Strasbourg, France},
organization = {Driving Simulation Association},
abstract = {Automated driving systems can encounter an infinite number of scenarios in real-world traffic. Although a scenario-based approach can significantly reduce the number of test cases for validating such systems, the amount is still unfeasible for real-world tests. Introduced validation strategies try to cope with that but have an inconsistent definition of operational design domain coverage. The proposed method combines existing ideas of scenario-based with a disturbance-based assessment relying on physics principles by embedding them into a method for the safety validation of ADS, including a proposal for the coverage evaluation. This approach exploits the fact that a finite number of physics principles are relevant for the safe operation of an automated driving system and are potential root causes for failure. A dedicated proof-of-concept consisting of an automated lanekeeping system, focussing on traffic disturbance scenarios, uses the suggested method. Essentially, using the concrete example of a logical scenario for a cut-in also shows that the physics principles-based approach, which defines disturbances, can be combined with a data-driven approach for an overall scenario-based assessment. Furthermore, a categorisation for the useful key performance indicators to evaluate an executed concrete scenario is introduced.},
keywords = {automated driving, coverage, operational design domain, virtual validation},
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TI - Operational Design Domain Coverage for the Safety Validation of Automated Driving Systems
AU - Weissensteiner, Patrick
AU - Genser, Simon
AU - Stettinger, Georg
AU - Rumetshofer, Johannes
AU - Watzenig, Daniel
C1 - Strasbourg, France
C3 - Proceedings of the Driving Simulation Conference 2022 Europe VR
DA - 2022/09/15
PY - 2022
SP - 49
EP - 56
LA - en-US
PB - Driving Simulation Association
L2 -
ER -
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