Alexander Lamprecht, Tim Emmert, Dennis Steffen, Knut Graichen
motion cueing, model predictive control, neural networks, motion simulators
Lamprecht A.; Emmert T.; Steffen D. and Graichen K. Learning-Based Driver Prediction for MPC-based Motion Cueing Algorithms In: Proceedings of the Driving Simulation Conference 2021 Europe VR, Driving Simulation Association, Munich, Germany, 2021, pp. 133-140
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title = {Learning-Based Driver Prediction for MPC-based Motion Cueing Algorithms},
author = {Alexander Lamprecht and Tim Emmert and Dennis Steffen and Knut Graichen},
editor = {Andras Kemeny and Jean-Rémy Chardonnet and Florent Colombet},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-09-14},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Driving Simulation Conference 2021 Europe VR},
pages = {133-140},
address = {Munich, Germany},
organization = {Driving Simulation Association},
abstract = {The paper presents two different learning based approaches for predicting the future driver behavior for the usage in motion cueing algorithms (MCAs) based on model predictive control (MPC). The first approach utilizes a simplified vehicle model and emulates the driver as an optimal controller piloting the vehicle on a predefined reference route. The basic formulation is extended by an inverse optimal control (IOC) approach to learn the cost function weights, which are the main parameter that influence the prediction result. The second approach, which is purely data driven, utilizes an artificial neural network to predict the future driver behavior. Furthermore, a combination of the two approaches is described. The presented driver prediction schemes are evaluated with regard to the pure prediction quality as well as with regard to the resulting motion cueing quality when used in combination with a MPC-based MCA. The results show the huge potential of both approaches when compared to the usage of constant future desired values.},
keywords = {model predictive control, motion cueing, motion simulators, neural networks},
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TI - Learning-Based Driver Prediction for MPC-based Motion Cueing Algorithms
AU - Lamprecht, Alexander
AU - Emmert, Tim
AU - Steffen, Dennis
AU - Graichen, Knut
C1 - Munich, Germany
C3 - Proceedings of the Driving Simulation Conference 2021 Europe VR
DA - 2021/09/14
PY - 2021
SP - 133
EP - 140
LA - en-US
PB - Driving Simulation Association
L2 -
ER -
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