Gustav Markkula, Richard Romano, Rachel Waldram, Oscar Giles, Callum Mole
multisensory integration, motion scaling, driver model, steering, slalom
To test hypothesised mechanisms behind driver response to down-scaled motion cues in simulators, a driver steering model was developed, by extending an existing modelling framework with models of multisensory integrationandbehaviouraladaptation.Inaslalomtask,themodelrobustlyreproducedseveralempiricalfindings: Removing motion cues initially resulted in decreased task performance and increased steering effort, but after behavioural adaptations, performance improved and steering effort went down. Unexpectedly, the model also reproduced another empirical finding : Optimal path-tracking for an intermediate motion scaling, smaller than unity. Overall, together with the existing empirical findings, the simulation results suggest that: Drivers make direct use of vestibular inputs as part of determining appropriate steering input, and motion down-scaling causes drivers to behave as if they are underestimating the vehicle’s rate of rotation. However, in the slalom task, a certain degree of such underestimation brings a path-tracking performance benefit. Furthermore, behavioural adaptation, as empirically observed, may occur in the form of down-weighting of vestibular cues, and/or increased sensitivity to control errors, in determining when to adjust steering and by how much, but seemingly not in the form of a full compensatory reinterpretation of the down-scaled vestibular input.
Markkula G.; Romano R.; Waldram R.; Giles O. and Mole C. Modelling visual-vestibular integration and behavioural adaptation in the driving simulator In: Proceedings of the Driving Simulation Conference 2018 Europe VR, Driving Simulation Association, Antibes, France, 2018, pp. 23-25
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title = {Modelling visual-vestibular integration and behavioural adaptation in the driving simulator},
author = {Gustav Markkula and Richard Romano and Rachel Waldram and Oscar Giles and Callum Mole},
editor = {Andras Kemeny and Florent Colombet and Frédéric Merienne and Stéphane Espié},
isbn = {978-2-85782-734-4},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-09-05},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Driving Simulation Conference 2018 Europe VR},
pages = {23-25},
address = {Antibes, France},
organization = {Driving Simulation Association},
abstract = {To test hypothesised mechanisms behind driver response to down-scaled motion cues in simulators, a driver steering model was developed, by extending an existing modelling framework with models of multisensory integrationandbehaviouraladaptation.Inaslalomtask,themodelrobustlyreproducedseveralempiricalfindings: Removing motion cues initially resulted in decreased task performance and increased steering effort, but after behavioural adaptations, performance improved and steering effort went down. Unexpectedly, the model also reproduced another empirical finding : Optimal path-tracking for an intermediate motion scaling, smaller than unity. Overall, together with the existing empirical findings, the simulation results suggest that: Drivers make direct use of vestibular inputs as part of determining appropriate steering input, and motion down-scaling causes drivers to behave as if they are underestimating the vehicle’s rate of rotation. However, in the slalom task, a certain degree of such underestimation brings a path-tracking performance benefit. Furthermore, behavioural adaptation, as empirically observed, may occur in the form of down-weighting of vestibular cues, and/or increased sensitivity to control errors, in determining when to adjust steering and by how much, but seemingly not in the form of a full compensatory reinterpretation of the down-scaled vestibular input.},
keywords = {driver model, motion scaling, multisensory integration, slalom, steering},
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TI - Modelling visual-vestibular integration and behavioural adaptation in the driving simulator
AU - Markkula, Gustav
AU - Romano, Richard
AU - Waldram, Rachel
AU - Giles, Oscar
AU - Mole, Callum
C1 - Antibes, France
C3 - Proceedings of the Driving Simulation Conference 2018 Europe VR
DA - 2018/09/05
PY - 2018
SP - 23
EP - 25
LA - en-US
PB - Driving Simulation Association
SN - 978-2-85782-734-4
L2 -
ER -
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