J. Alejandro Betancur, Jérémy Plouzeau, Frédéric Merienne, Daniel Suárez
head-up display, autonomous driving, human machine interaction, user experience
This paper covers an autonomous driving situation, in which a fully automated vehicle was proposed for driving along a specific route, while some safety-related information was projected in a Head-Up Display (HUD) system. This situation was tested by 10 subjects in a driving simulator, in order to estimate how the mental discomfort in autonomous driving situations could be influenced when using or not the proposed HUD system. The above, was performed firstly by measuring and analysing for all test subjects their pupil size, blink rate, heart rate, temperature and electro-dermal activity as discomfort estimators; and secondly, by developing a categorical questionnaire for identifying anxiety and stress. According to the results, there was not enough evidence for confirming a significant reduction on the measured discomfort variables (p-value<0.05) while using the proposed HUD visual interfaces; these results were also supported by all categorical questions developed after the proposed experimentation. In conclusion, under the experimental considerations here proposed the HUD systems do not influence the mental discomfort in autonomous vehicles.
Betancur A.; Plouzeau J.; Merienne F. and Suárez D. Human behaviour analysis when using Head-Up Display systems in autonomous driving situations In: Proceedings of the Driving Simulation Conference 2018 Europe VR, Driving Simulation Association, Antibes, France, 2018, pp. 35-41
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title = {Human behaviour analysis when using Head-Up Display systems in autonomous driving situations},
author = {Alejandro Betancur and Jérémy Plouzeau and Frédéric Merienne and Daniel Suárez},
editor = {Andras Kemeny and Florent Colombet and Frédéric Merienne and Stéphane Espié},
isbn = {978-2-85782-734-4},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-09-05},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Driving Simulation Conference 2018 Europe VR},
pages = {35-41},
address = {Antibes, France},
organization = {Driving Simulation Association},
abstract = {This paper covers an autonomous driving situation, in which a fully automated vehicle was proposed for driving along a specific route, while some safety-related information was projected in a Head-Up Display (HUD) system. This situation was tested by 10 subjects in a driving simulator, in order to estimate how the mental discomfort in autonomous driving situations could be influenced when using or not the proposed HUD system. The above, was performed firstly by measuring and analysing for all test subjects their pupil size, blink rate, heart rate, temperature and electro-dermal activity as discomfort estimators; and secondly, by developing a categorical questionnaire for identifying anxiety and stress. According to the results, there was not enough evidence for confirming a significant reduction on the measured discomfort variables (p-value<0.05) while using the proposed HUD visual interfaces; these results were also supported by all categorical questions developed after the proposed experimentation. In conclusion, under the experimental considerations here proposed the HUD systems do not influence the mental discomfort in autonomous vehicles.},
keywords = {autonomous driving, head-up display, human machine interaction, user experience},
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TI - Human behaviour analysis when using Head-Up Display systems in autonomous driving situations
AU - Betancur, Alejandro
AU - Plouzeau, Jérémy
AU - Merienne, Frédéric
AU - Suárez, Daniel
C1 - Antibes, France
C3 - Proceedings of the Driving Simulation Conference 2018 Europe VR
DA - 2018/09/05
PY - 2018
SP - 35
EP - 41
LA - en-US
PB - Driving Simulation Association
SN - 978-2-85782-734-4
L2 -
ER -
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